Sunday, 16 February 2020

Holding out for a hero

As predicted, painting the Heroes for Skull Tales has slowed down the number of completed models this week. Batch painting is definitely a lot quicker, but I've enjoyed doing these more. Same feeling of accomplishment, but from a different source, I think.

Also, we've got a puppy moving in on Tuesday, so there's been a lot of moving things around the house to make it as canine-safe as we can - my painting area being in the living room that's meant a few things moving - and I'm going to have to stop leaving things out too. 

Fortunately my painting desk is an old writing bureau, so the desk part will fold up and lock.  It'll just take some re-arranging to ensure I can pack away and close things when I'm done.

Even so, I've completed 8 of the Heroes, and got the remaining 14 (plus two 'sidekicks' - a Zombie and Dog) undercoated, and all the flesh painted, which puts them into my Work in Progress pile, I suppose!

There are several 'homages' to Films, Games, T.V., and Books amongst the heroes - and I'm pretty sure I'll have failed to spot some too.

The Avenger.
I think he's been mostly dead all day.
I think he'd make a good Dread Pirate.
Definitely channelling The Princess Bride
The Cabin Boy.
Complete with Chicken.
I wonder if there's a pulley in there?
Maybe he's Guybrush Threepwood?

The Captain's Daughter.
So many jokes ...
I'll restrain myself.
The Cook.
Lovely Parrot. Two Legs though,
so not Long John Silver.

The Cutthroat.
I'm getting a definite Assassin's Creed
vibe from this one.
The Surgeon.
I've got nothing for this one.
No references at all.

The Twins.
Twice the Trouble.
But again, no reference point for me.

With two weeks to go until the vehicle painting competition, I might end up entering the ships from Skull Tales, but I also have Mantic's Scenery Booster for The Walking Dead game.  Four somewhat battered vehicles are in there, and I'm hoping to get at least one of them done by the end of the month as well. 

I'll just have to see if I can get them sprayed this week.

With just 8 models painted this week, I'm ahead by 173.  Just 16 left to go to have Skull Tales finished completely, and then I'll have to decide whether to do another 'project paint' or just have a bit of a 'this and that' month during March.

Running Totals

Painted: 229

Acquired: 56

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